The Scripts

Mikhail Ignatovich | Aug 6, 2018 | 2 minutes read

This Java Script is part of the project and it allows to retrieve data from The KolmoLD Network by Manifest. These scripts are working in a web browser environment. It contains the following objects:

  • engine (cache, network, server)
  • wasm
  • manifest
  • formula

The engine object is the entry point of the scripts. The life cycle of engine is equal to a parent application. Object engine contains other objects to implement network communications and caching. Creating engine require mandatory options that must define network settings. Listed below code is show how to create engine. Address of dedicated server in options is the address of any peer node of The KolmoLD Network.

// Mandatory options to create engine
let options = {
    Network: {
        DedicatedServer: ""

// Creating engine with options
let engine = new Engine(options)

Class wasm is a wrapper to WebAssebbly actor. It allows executing WebAssembly algorithms according to the specification. Classes manifest and formula are represents entities of the manifest.

To retrieve data from The KolmonetLD Network by manifest use eval_manifest method. Listed below code is show how to do it right.

// Create manifest
let manifest = new Manifest(JSON.parse("\"doi\":{\"SHA256\":\"6F59B23AA0D0F7BEE8AEF463F1527FB025217095707B72D25F25C8AE62E58F6\" }\""))

// Retrieve data by manifest
let result = engine.eval_manifest(manifest)

// Check operation result
if ("ok" === result.status)
    // Size of the retrieved data in bytes
    let size =["size"]

    // MIME of the retrieved data if defined in the manifest
    let MIME =["MIME"]

    // Retrieved data itself
    let data_from_kolmold =
    // Something wrong happened

Here is the link to the git with scripts.